28 سبتمبر 2024
11 الشهر منذ
Deir ez-Zur: SDF forces sent reinforcements to the towns of the eastern countryside of Deir ez-zor
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The SDF announces the killing of 19 militants affiliated with the Pro-Assad forces in clashes that ensued after an attack by the militants on SDF-held areas in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor Governorate, eastern Syria at Diban, Abu Hardoub and Abu Hamam
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Raqqa: An ISIS cell was busted in the city of Raqqa, during joint SDF-US operation. The Terror cell was working on transferring intelligence information
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A starbucks branch got attacked in Diyarbakir, Turkey There are also protests in Istanbul against Israel
Initial report of rocket strike on Conico field, Deir Ez Zur
Turkish drone strike hits a house in Derik
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Sirens heard in Erbil currently following reports of rocket/drone attack
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قصف يطال القوات الأميركية في قاعدة الحرير في محافظة الأنبار بالعراق
Iraqi "Resistance" announces targeting Al Shaddadi base which hosts American forces in Syria, with a number of rockets
الحسكة الشدادي استهداف القاعدة العسكرية التابعة للقوات الأمريكية في بلدة الشدادي بريف الحسكة.حسب في الشدادي فإن القاعدة استهدفت بقذائف الهاون من قبل مجموعات مسلحة مجهولة.
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إعلام سوري: 5 صواريخ تستهدف قاعدة أميركية ومحيطها في ريف الحسكة
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أكثر من ساعتين من العمل المتواصل لفرقنا ولا تزال تخمد الحريق الضخم في محطة تكرير وكازية للوقود على طريق عفرين - اعزاز، استمرار انفجارات خزانات الوقود في المكان يزيد من صعوبة العمل.
Pro-Iranian Islamic Resistance in Iraq group claims responsibility for attack on US base at “Abu Hajar Airport - Kharab al-Jir” (most likely near Rumeylan)11 الشهر منذ
Pro-Iranian Islamic Resistance in Iraq group claims responsibility for attack on US base at “Abu Hajar Airport - Kharab al-Jir” (most likely near Rumeylan)
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Global Coalition base in NE Syria's Rmelan attacked
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Counter terrorism forces of the Iraqi army are currently engaged in clashes with ISIS cells in Kirkuk region (autonomous region of Kurdistan)
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Deir ez-Zur: SDF special forces carried out raids in eastern and western countryside of Deir ez-zor and 11 criminals were captured, including 3 smugglers
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سماع دوي انفجار في قاعدة حقل العمر الأمريكية في ريف ديرالزور الشرقيبلدي
البيت الأبيض: هناك صلة ة بين الميليشيات التي تستهدفنا والحرس الثوري
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TSK airstrikes repported in Akre and Metina and Hakurk
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A Peshmerga was killed during the altercation with the Iraqi army in Makhmour
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The Peshmerga and Iraqi army have reportedly exchanged fire in Makhmour district, resulting in casualties on both sides
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المشاهد الأولى لانفجار سيارة في القامشلي بريف الحسكة وسط أنباء عن استهدافها بطائرة مسيّرة تركيةn
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Initial unconfirmed reports that Al-Harir Air Base, Iraq has been targeted in a drone attack
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Turkish drone and artillery strikes near Kobani at Ahmed Munir village
Explosions of unknown origin have been heard near the Conoco Gaz field base in eastern Deir ez-Zur. It is believed that Iranian militias targeted the vicinity of the Conoco base where U.S. forces are based
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مسؤول أمني عراقي ودبلوماسي غربي: إحباط هجوم بطائرة مسيرة استهدف قاعدة حرير الجوية التي تضم قوات أميركية في شمال العراق
11 الشهر منذ
Drone attack targeting US military base in Harir near Erbil. Militia group known as "Tashkil al-Warithin" declare a responsibility for attack and insist that attack was for support Aqsa Flood
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Hewlêr: A civilian was killed and 3 others injured, as result of Turkish attack in the vicinity of Hewlêr (Erbil) Governorate, Kurdistan Region (KRG). It was confirmed that they were residents of the Mexmûr refugee camp
An unidentified drone targets a car near Haybat Sultan mountain in Koya, resulting in one fatality and three injuries11 الشهر منذ
An unidentified drone targets a car near Haybat Sultan mountain in Koya, resulting in one fatality and three injuries
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مراسل حلب اليوم: مقتل 3 عناصر من "فيلق الشام" وإصابة 3 آخرين إثر استهدافهم من قبل قسد بصاروخ موجه في قرية باصوفان بريف عفرين شمالي حلب