28 سبتمبر 2024
U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptors deployed to CENTCOM’s area of responsibility as part of a multifaceted show of U.S. support and capability in the wake of increasingly unsafe and unprofessional behavior by Russian aircraft in the region1 سنة منذ
U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptors deployed to CENTCOM’s area of responsibility as part of a multifaceted show of U.S. support and capability in the wake of increasingly unsafe and unprofessional behavior by Russian aircraft in the region
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قصف مدفعي وطائرة مسيرة على شورك بريف القامشلي الشرقي
A helicopter accident in northeastern Syria over the weekend injured 22 American service members, according to the US military
الشرطة العسكرية في مدينة جرابلس تعلن إلقاء القبض على شخصين متهمين بقتل عنصر شرطة قبل أيام أثناء مداهمة منزل لتجار المخدرات
In Kobane drone targeted a motorbike
and quot;نورث برس": مقتل جندي روسي وإصابة آخرين بقصف لطائرة مسيرة تركية استهدف سيارتهم على الطريق الواقع بين قريتي حربل وأم الحوش شمالي حلب.nل الأخبار الة اشترك بقناة راديو الكل على التيليغرام: t.me/RadioAlkul
Turkish forces target Russian military patrol in Aleppo northern countryside leaving wounded
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According to Turkish sources up to 12 YPG fighters were killed in response of Turkish army to attack of a base near Kaljibrin
هناك اشتباك عنيف بين الجيش الوطني السوري ووحدات حماية الشعب على خط مارع
YPG, stationed in Tel Rifat region, launched a rocket attack around the Öncüpınar border gate and the Turkish Armed Forces base in Kelcibrin. Some of the rockets fired by militants fell in the refugee camps area1 سنة منذ
YPG, stationed in Tel Rifat region, launched a rocket attack around the Öncüpınar border gate and the Turkish Armed Forces base in Kelcibrin. Some of the rockets fired by militants fell in the refugee camps area
Hassakah: Reinforcements for US forces in northeastern Syria arrived1 سنة منذ
Hassakah: Reinforcements for US forces in northeastern Syria arrived
الدفاع المدني السوري يخمد حريقا نشب في مستودع لتبن الكمون في بلدة اخترين شمالي حلب
المُحَرَّر اغتيال قيادي في الجيش الوطني السوري برصاص مجهولين في قرية تل حلف بريف راس العين شمال الحسكة
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ISIS claims responsibility over targeting a military vehicle of the SDF in a town south of Hasakah, northeast Syria, injuring four SDF fighters
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The governor of Gaziantep, Daoud Gül, announces that the Department of Civil Affairs in the state is providing services today to issue "personal cards" for those who have lost them. Gül: Home health units are also providing services today to enable patients to vote in elections. Gül: It is forbidden to carry weapons, including licensed weapons, except for security forces
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Pro-Kurdish parties stand firm in support of opposition candidate amidst controversy
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President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s election rival lodges a $50,000 lawsuit against the Turkish leader for airing a campaign video linking the opposition to Kurdish militants
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وزير الدفاع التركي يعلن مقتل 19 مسلحاً من حزب العمال الكردستاني في عملية عسكرية شمالي سوريا الليلة الماضية. كردستان
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وكالة الأناضول: الاستخبارات التركية تحيد مسؤول الاتصالات في حزب العمال الكردستاني شمال العراق
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Russian Military Police conduct one-sided patrol without the Turkish forces in the eastern countryside of Kobani, northern Syria
Süleyman Soylu voted: There is a higher rate of voting compared to the previous elections.1 سنة منذ
Süleyman Soylu voted: There is a higher rate of voting compared to the previous elections.
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Only the withdrawal of US troops from the occupied territories of Syria will ensure the return of the population of the region to peaceful life, - Moscow and Damascus said in a statement.
TAF artillery units hit PKK positions east of Amude city in the north of Haseke
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Media outlets close to the pro-Kurdish Green Left Party say Turkish police have detained the party's parliamentary candidate, Ayten Donmez, over alleged ties to the PKK
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Turkish presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu criticized President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his party for what he called anti-Kurdish election propaganda
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Turkish Drone Strike in Qamishli city, near Nusaybin Border crossing
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The Asayish found the body of a young man shot dead in western Deir_ez_Zor, eastern Syria, amid an increase in killing cases in ambiguous circumstances
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Reports of a rocket attack on the US base in the Conico gas field in eastern Syria, as well as retaliatory airstrikes by US jets on Iranian-linked militia positions
الاتحاد الوطني الكردستاني: زعزعة أمن إقليم كردستان والسليمانية خط أحمر
Here is a CENTCOM statement on this week's repatriation of residents from the al-Hol and al Roj camps for internally displaced persons in Northeast Syria1 سنة منذ
Here is a CENTCOM statement on this week's repatriation of residents from the al-Hol and al Roj camps for internally displaced persons in Northeast Syria