28 سبتمبر 2024
The Netherlands will initiate establishment of international tribunal to try crimes committed by IS (Da’esh)2 الشهر منذ
The Netherlands will initiate establishment of international tribunal to try crimes committed by IS (Da’esh)
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Turkish Armed Forces artillery units are hitting PKK positions in Avn Dedet village, north of Manbij.
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Military convoy of the Turkish Armed Forces entered the city of Amadiye in Northern Iraq
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Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions in the Semuka, Ibbin and Shehba dam area on the Tel Rifat line with artillery fire.
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Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in the Metina region in northern Iraq
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Turkish Ministry of Defense: 37 targets used by the PKK organization in Metina, Gara, Hakurk, Kandil and Asos regions in northern Iraq were destroyed by air operations.
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Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in the Metina region in northern Iraq
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Turkish Warplanes hit PKK targets in Iraq
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Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in the Kani Miran and Sayilava villages of Sulaymaniyah/Panjvin in northern Iraq.
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Ministry of National Defense of Turkey: 5 PKK/YPG militants who were preparing to attack in the Peace Spring region were neutralized
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6 PKK militants identified in the Hakurk region in northern Iraq were neutralized
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Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG targets in the village of Tavile on the Tel Tamr line with artillery fire.
Turkey closes all border crossings with Syria, including the BabAlHawa crossing to Idlib which was the last one still open yesterday2 الشهر منذ
Turkey closes all border crossings with Syria, including the BabAlHawa crossing to Idlib which was the last one still open yesterday
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Afrin: Infighting between Turkish-backed militants in Afrin city and there are casualties
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السلطات التركية تطالب موظفيها بالخروج على وجه السرعة من الشمال السوري
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2 PKK militants detected in the Claw-Lock Operation region in northern Iraq were neutralized.
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Iraqi Interior Ministry Spokesperson: Arsonists Targeting Markets in Erbil, Duhok, and Kirkuk Belong to the PKK
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Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in the Zap Tepe Bahar region in northern Iraq
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الجيش التركي يستهدف بالمدفعية مواقع قسد في قرية "أم الكيف" بريف تل تمر شمال الحسكة
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Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions in the village of Shavarga on the Tel Rifat line
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Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions on the Sayyada line in the west of Manbij with artillery fire
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وزارة الدفاع التركية: مقتل 10 عناصر من حزب العمال الكردستاني بقصف جوي شمالي العراق و سوريا.مركز_أخبار_العراقالعراق
Turkish Armed Forces artillery units are hitting PKK targets in Tel Cuma and Um Keyf villages east of Ras al-Ayn.
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Turkish Armed Forces made a shipment to the Aynel Arab border line
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مراسل حلب اليوم: القواعد العسكرية التركية في منطقة عفرين تستهدف مواقع لـ"قسد" في منطقة تل رفعت شمال حلب
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TSK airstrikes near Akre and Metina and Amadiya
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Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that 7 PKK/YPG militants detected in the Euphrates Shield region in northern Syria were neutralized.
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القواعد التركية تستهدف بالمدفعية الثقيلة مواقع لقسد في مرعناز بريف حلب الشمالي منتصف الليل
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Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in the Metina region in northern Iraq
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Turkish warplanes are hitting PKK targets in the Sergele region of Duhok in northern Iraq. There are also sounds of conflict in the region