28 سبتمبر 2024
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وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن قتل 7 مسلحين شمالي العراق ومسلح آخر شمالي سوريا من حزب العمال الكردستاني
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مراسل حلب اليوم: تحليق للطيران الحربي الروسي في أجواء مدينة الباب شرقي حلب
الجيش الوطني السوري يصد محاولة تسلل ليلية لقسد على محوري كلجبرين و كفر خاشر في ريف حلب الشمالي
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الجيش التركي يستهدف بقذائف المدفعية مواقع "قسد" في ريف مدينة الباب الغربي شرقي حلب. حلب سوريا
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?مقتل جندي تركي في شمال العراق بانفجار عبوة
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Turkish warplanes strike PKK targets in Balakayati and Mavat regions of Iraq
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وزير خارجية العراق للعربية: نتحرك داخليا وخارجيا لعدم الدخول في حالة حرب
دير_الزور الريف الشرقي:تحليق للطيـ.ـران المروحي التابع للتحـ.ـالف الدولي على علو منخفض فوق مناطق سـ.ـيطرة " قسد " بريف دير الزور الشرقي.رابط يوتيوب :
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Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in the Bisfaqi region of Duhok in northern Iraq
The Turkish military carried out a drone strike on a vehicle in Qamishlo near the hospital1 الشهر منذ
The Turkish military carried out a drone strike on a vehicle in Qamishlo near the hospital
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Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) UAVs hit a vehicle carrying SDF fighers in the Qamishli industrial zone in the north of Hasakah. Three militants, one of whom was a commander, were killed.
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The Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions in the village of Ibbin on the Tel Rıfat line with artillery fire.
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تجدد القصف المدفعي المجهول على معبر أبو_الزندين غربي مدينة الباب.( مراسل راديو وتلفزيون الكل) حلب سوريا
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واعد وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن مقتل 10 مسلحين من حزب العمال الكردستاني؛ بغارة جوية استهدفت أوكارهم في منطقة هاكورك شمالي العراق.
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Turkish airstrikes in Bradost
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Turkish Ministry of Defense: Four PKK/YPG militants detected in the Euphrates Shield region were neutralized
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هزة أرضية شعر بها سكان في الشمال السوري وجنوب تركيا
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Magnitude 5.2 earthquake across North-Syria
NDF and 4th Division and Clan Army have resumed attacks against SDF positions in Deir Ez Zor, but with lower intensity
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Turkish Armed Forces artillery units are hitting YPG targets in the Shahba region west of Al-Bab
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The Turkish Armed Forces hit YPG targets in the villages of Shala, Harabshe, Deir Qak and Tel Anab west of Bab with artillery fire.
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The Turkish Armed Forces hit the positions of YPG in the Tel Rifat area and the village of Sheikh Isa with artillery fire.
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Turkish Ministry of Defense: 2 PKK/YPG militants detected in the Claw-Lock Operation region in northern Iraq were neutralized.
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إصابة شخصين جراء انفجار العبوة الناسفة داخل سيارة في عفرين بريف حلب الشمالي
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انفجار مجهول في وسط مدينة عفرين شمالي حلب
The Explosions reported north of Deir Ez-Zur city in Assad held territory are US artillery strikes near Marat (Khasham pocket) in retaliation of the attack on Conoco coalition base in which US soldiers are based in
Guharze in the Amedi region is witnessing heavy clashes between the HPG and the Turkish military tonight - throughout the day the Turkish military carried out several air and artillery strikes in the region; including an airstrike in Slemani‘s Mawat region1 الشهر منذ
Guharze in the Amedi region is witnessing heavy clashes between the HPG and the Turkish military tonight - throughout the day the Turkish military carried out several air and artillery strikes in the region; including an airstrike in Slemani‘s Mawat region
Turkmen Front supporters demonstrated in Kirkuk today, protesting the formation of the local government, which they allege is illegitimate. Notably, many demonstrators were observed displaying the Grey Wolves or Bozkurt hand gesture, a symbol associated with pan-Turkic nationalism1 الشهر منذ
Turkmen Front supporters demonstrated in Kirkuk today, protesting the formation of the local government, which they allege is illegitimate. Notably, many demonstrators were observed displaying the "Grey Wolves" or "Bozkurt" hand gesture, a symbol associated with pan-Turkic nationalism
Tensions erupt in Kirkuk over appointment of the new governor and security forces beat demonstrators with sticks  - source AVA1 الشهر منذ
Tensions erupt in Kirkuk over appointment of the new governor and security forces beat demonstrators with sticks - source AVA
SDF has lifted the blockade of the security boxes in Qamishli and Hasakah, after negotiations with the Russians, on conditions that Hefl's and Sattam's militias attacks in Deir Ez Zor to be stopped, plus the removal of the recent 4th Division reinforcements out of the area