28 سبتمبر 2024
9 الشهر منذ
مراسل حلب اليوم: مقتل الطفل شيبان حاتم خلاصي (6 سنوات) إثر انفجار الدراجة النارية المفخخة في شارع السرفيس بحي الأشرفية بعفرين
9 الشهر منذ
مراسل حلب اليوم: إصابات بين المدنيين جراء انفجار ناجم عن دراجة نارية مفخخة بحي الأشرفية في مدينة عفرين بريف حلب
صفحات محلية: قصف مدفعي تركي يستهدف مواقع قسد في محيط مدينة تل رفعت بريف حلب الشمالي
Rocket attack on coalition's Al Shadadi base
9 الشهر منذ
A suicide drone attacked the International Coalition Forces military base at Erbil International Airport on Monday at 16:03, causing no damage, according to the Directorate General of Counter Terrorism in Kurdistan Region
Qamishli: Riyad Hamo was killed as a result of the Turkish attack on a printing press facility in the city of Qamishli today morning9 الشهر منذ
Qamishli: Riyad Hamo was killed as a result of the Turkish attack on a printing press facility in the city of Qamishli today morning
Turkey bombed 14 locations until 3:46 PM syrian local time. The targeted locations In Qamishlo, Amouda, Tirbespiyê and Kobani is: the vicinity of the prison that contains members ISIS, Simav printing press, cement facility, grain silos, sewing factory, train station, wedding hall, olive factory, parking garage
Turkish strikes target the vicinity of the city of Qamishli, NE_Syria9 الشهر منذ
Turkish strikes target the vicinity of the city of Qamishli, NE_Syria
Turkish strikes target the vicinity of the city of Qamishli, NE_Syria9 الشهر منذ
Turkish strikes target the vicinity of the city of Qamishli, NE_Syria
9 الشهر منذ
Two people were injured, as a result of a Turkish drone targeting this morning a construction company affiliated with the Autonomous Administration in the city of Kobani
9 الشهر منذ
اشتباكات تدور بين الجيش الوطني السوري وقوات الأسد على محور تادف بريف حلب الشرقي
9 الشهر منذ
هزة ارضية شعر بها سكان مدينة حلب قبل قليل
.@IKRPresident Nechirvan Barzani met with US @StateDept Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland & her accompanying delegation.Both sides discussed US relations with Iraq & KRI, latest political & security developments, provincial elections as well as developments in the ME. Kurdistan @IKRPresident Nechirvan Barzani meets with US Deputy Secretary of State9 الشهر منذ
.@IKRPresident Nechirvan Barzani met with US @StateDept Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland & her accompanying delegation.Both sides discussed US relations with Iraq & KRI, latest political & security developments, provincial elections as well as developments in the ME. Kurdistan @IKRPresident Nechirvan Barzani meets with US Deputy Secretary of State
Commander-in-Chief of the SDF @MazloumAbdi: "We witnessed the failure of the government and the opposition to find any solution to the Syrian crisis and left Syrian lands to the control of radical organizations"
Kirkuk Initial Results of Local elections, A 64% WIN for Kurdish parties versus 23% for Arabs and 12% for Turkmans9 الشهر منذ
Kirkuk Initial Results of Local elections, A 64% WIN for Kurdish parties versus 23% for Arabs and 12% for Turkmans
9 الشهر منذ
An Iraqi Air Force helicopter crashed at Hliwa airport in Tuz Khurmatu, resulting in the death of an Iraqi Army officer and injuring a senior officer
تحليق للطيران الحربي التابع لقوات التحالف_الدولي بالقرب من حقل العمر النفطي شرق ديرالزور.
The SDF's internal Security announced it has seized a truck belonging to pro-Iran militias that was equipped with a locally-made rocket launcher, in the western countryside of Deir ez-Zor, eastern Syria. The SDF said the truck came from Assad-controlled areas and intended to target US bases in the area
Initial: UAV strike by Iran-backed militias on Conico oil field, Syria
قصف صاروخي يستهدف قاعدة " الأمريكي" في حقل كونيكو شرقي دير_الزور .
Manbij: 19 workers were injured, 2 dead after explosion of a mine west of Manbij9 الشهر منذ
Manbij: 19 workers were injured, 2 dead after explosion of a mine west of Manbij
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A suicide drone hit a civilian building in Erbil, causing no casualties - Erbil counter-terror directorate
9 الشهر منذ
وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن مقتل 8 مسلحين أكراد في غارة جوية شمالي العراق
9 الشهر منذ
الرئيس التركي: نسعى لإيجاد حل سياسي للأزمة في سوريا
5 Al-Nujabaa militants were killed by USAF airstrike in Kirkuk
المرصد السوري: قذائف صاروخية تستهدف قاعدة أميركية بريف الحسكة
10 الشهر منذ
Pro-Iranian militias in Iraq launch an attack on the US military base in Erbil
10 الشهر منذ
صفحات محلية: طائرة مسيرة انتحارية تستهدف موقعاً في محيط مدينة تل رفعت بريف حلب الشمالي
10 الشهر منذ
وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن تحييد عنصرين من تنظيم YPG في منطقة درع الفرات بريف حلب شمال سوريا
10 الشهر منذ
Petrol Tanker explode in Kani Qirzhala area western #Erbil.