1 Ekim 2024
Syria: Turkey carried out this afternoon an airstrike (& the first of that kind since 2018). A TSK drone destroyed the car of SDF leaders who went to town of Zahraa (North Aleppo) to meet pro-Assad/Iranian officials. Multiple casualties
1 yıl önce
Norwegian oil company DNO has partly resumed production at its Tawke field in Kurdistan Region following months of stoppage, the European company announced on Thursday
New an unidentified drone targeted a car on road in Sulaymaniyah province, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, killed three people. This is the second attack in two days
1 yıl önce
The Turkish Defense Ministry announces the neutralization of 12 YPG fighters in a military operation in northern Syria
1 yıl önce
Mala Karim Shukr, a Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) member of the Iraqi parliament survived an assassination attempt in Tuz Khurmatu, according to a statement from his office
Assad blamed Erdogan for the increase in violence in Syria, demands the withdrawal of Turkish troops
New An unidentified drone targeted a car on road to Sulaimaniyah province, in Kurdistan Region of Iraq
1 yıl önce
Deir-ez-Zor, the northern countryside: A number of "SDF" members were wounded, after their car was targeted by an unknown vehicle, as they were riding a motorcycle on the outskirts of the village of Al-Hussain this morning
1 yıl önce
ISIS claims responsibility for three operations against the SDF in Deir_ez_Zor Governorate, eastern Syria, and the Iraqi Army in Saladin Governorate in Iraq. The attacks resulted in casualties
1 yıl önce
Turkish Ministry of Defense: 3 "militants" from the "PKK" have been neutralized in the Zap region within the areas of Operation Claw in northern Iraq
1 yıl önce
Fadi Adnan Mukhlaf was killed by unknown gunmen riding a motorbike in Dahlah town in the east of Deir ez-Zur, ane he is from the Sabha village
Esad, Rusya Devlet Başkanı'nın özel temsilcisi Alexander Lavrentiev ile Suriyeli mültecilerin dönüşüne ilişkin dosyayı görüştü ve iki taraf, Türkiye'nin Suriye topraklarından çekilme konusundaki inadını görüştü.
1 yıl önce
Erdogan says he is not closed to the meeting with Assad, and can meet, but what is important is how Damascus approaches Turkish positions. Erdogan: Unfortunately, Assad is calling for Turkey to leave northern Syria. Such a thing cannot happen because we are fighting terrorism there
Türk topçu birlikleri,Tel Rifat bölgesinde bulunan terör örgütü PKK'ya ait noktaları vurdu
1 yıl önce
Turkish bombardment of Metina mountain in the Kurdistan Region
Deir ez-Zur: Local Source: Two civilians were killed and injured as a result of a landmine explosion near the town of Al-Asharah, eastern countryside of Deir ez-zor
1 yıl önce
An unknown drone targeted a motorcycle near the town of Bza'a in the Al-Bab area, east of Aleppo, with initial news of the killing of a Syrian person on board
1 yıl önce
Liwa Ahrar Al-Iraq, a pro-Iranian militia, issues a statement clarifying that the 'final chance' offered by the Islamic resistance in Iraq to the government does not extend to the Turkish military presence in Iraq. They targeted the Turkish base in Batifa in Duhok earlier today
Civil Defense: 4 children were injured, some of them seriously, in artillery shelling of the government forces on the city of Darat-Azza, west of Aleppo
1 yıl önce
TSK'ya ait savaş uçakları, Irak'ın kuzeyinde Amediye bölgesinde bulunan terör örgütü PKK'ya ait noktaları vurdu
Esed rejimi El Bab güneyine sevkiyat gerçekleştiriyor
1 yıl önce
Two Iraqi soldiers were wounded in a clash with suspected ISIS militants on Monday in Maryam Beg, southwestern Kirkuk. Attack comes hours after killing of 4 ISIS fighters in air strike & raid by Iraqi forces against IS hideouts in Tirkalan village. Soldier killed, officer injured
Hava kuvvetleri komutanlığımıza ait savaş uçakları Irak kuzeyindeki Matin sıra dağlarında ki  terör örgütü PKK'ya ait hedeflere yönelik hava harekatı icra etti1 yıl önce
Hava kuvvetleri komutanlığımıza ait savaş uçakları Irak kuzeyindeki Matin sıra dağlarında ki terör örgütü PKK'ya ait hedeflere yönelik hava harekatı icra etti
1 yıl önce
Deir Ezzor, two members of the SDF forces were injured at the Al-Bariha municipality checkpoint, east of Deir Ezzor, after being targeted by unknown persons riding a motorcycle.
1 yıl önce
A top US military commander accuses Russia’s air force of encouraging its pilots to raise the risk of accidents or even conflict in Syria
1 yıl önce
A Russian-Syrian-Turkish-Iranian statement after the Astana meetings: cooperation to combat terrorism and separatist plans aimed at undermining Syria's sovereignty
1 yıl önce
Tumeh: Whenever the Astana negotiations begin, the government and Russia start bombing the Syrians to put pressure on the opposition
MİT'e ait SİHA'lar, Kamışlı-Kahtaniye arasındaki yolda bulunan Tel Şair köyünde YPG'lı teröristlere ait bir otomobili hedef aldı1 yıl önce
MİT'e ait SİHA'lar, Kamışlı-Kahtaniye arasındaki yolda bulunan Tel Şair köyünde YPG'lı teröristlere ait bir otomobili hedef aldı
Aleppo Today correspondent: Turkish artillery targets SDF positions in the vicinity of Tal Shair village on the Syrian-Turkish border1 yıl önce
Aleppo Today correspondent: Turkish artillery targets SDF positions in the vicinity of Tal Shair village on the Syrian-Turkish border
1 yıl önce
Kurdistan Region PM @masrourbarzani today arrived in Ankara to meet with Turkey's President Erdogan and other government officials on development of bilateral relations