1 Ekim 2024
Turkish intel ‘neutralizes’ Yunus Demir, senior PKK terrorist in northern Iraq's Gara region, wanted by top category red notice7 ay önce
Turkish intel ‘neutralizes’ Yunus Demir, senior PKK terrorist in northern Iraq's Gara region, wanted by top category red notice
7 ay önce
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 4 members of the PKK/YPG forces who were preparing for an attack on the Olive Branch and Peace Spring areas in northern Syria.
A child was injured as a result of a motorcycle bomb explosion at the Newroz roundabout in the city of Afrin, north of Aleppo.
7 ay önce
Syrian Democratic Forces: We affirm our right to an appropriate military response to the source of the attack on the Al-Omar field
7 ay önce
The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announces that six of its fighters were killed in a drone strike on a US base at al-Omar oilfield in eastern Syria - Statement
Turkish Ministry of Defense: 5 Kurdistan Workers' Party militants killed in northern Iraq
Turkish soldier killed in clash with PKK in Kurdistan Region8 ay önce
Turkish soldier killed in clash with PKK in Kurdistan Region
No attack was carried out on Harir airbase in Erbil province, contrary to claims by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq – Security source tells Rudaw
ISIS in Syria also was "able to free some leaders & operatives held in SDF-controlled prisons, intensify recruitment & expand the presence of small mobile cells along the Syrian-Iraqi borders" per @UN report
8 ay önce
Irak’ın kuzeyindeki Pençe-Kilit Operasyonu bölgesinde tespit edilen 4 PKK’lı terörist etkisiz hâle getirildi.-Milli Savunma Bakanlığı
8 ay önce
Türk savaş uçakları Irak kuzeyindeki Zap bölgesinde bulunan PKK hedeflerini vuruyor
Turkish artillery shelling targets SDF positions in the northern and eastern countryside of Aleppo
8 ay önce
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of two YPG members in the Euphrates Shield and Peace Spring areas in northern Syria
Rusya ve YPG terör örgütünün kontrol ettiği alanlarda askeri ve güvenlik konusunda koruma ve destek alanlarında anlaşma imzaladı
A soldier of the Pro-Assad forces forces was injured in a Turkish drone attack in the western countryside of Manbij, northern Syria
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims responsibility for today's drone attack on Erbil airport
8 ay önce
Şehba: Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) shut down a Turkish drone in the village of Samouqiya
8 ay önce
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 5 members of the YPG forces in the Peace Spring and Olive Branch areas in northern Syria
8 ay önce
Dana Gas: Suspension of production at the Khor Mor facility in Iraqi Kurdistan after a liquids tank was bombed by a drone
More attacks tonight on the Kurdistan region of Iraq; gas field targeted in Sulimani and drone shot down in Erbil. US diplomats hunkered down in bunkers. Follows spate of attacks by Iran on Erbil last week. KRG blames Iran's proxies. Kurds want air defenses promised in NDAA
The Biden admin. is planning to pull US forces out of Syria, @ForeignPolicy reported. “While no definitive decision has been made to leave, four sources within the Defense and State departments said the White House is no longer invested in sustaining a mission that it perceives as unnecessary,” the report added
8 ay önce
Two missiles fell near the gas station in the city of Shuhail, east of Deir Ezzor, coming from areas controlled by Iranian militias. It is noteworthy that the Iranian militias launched a missile attack targeting the Al-Omar oil field, which is under the control of international coalition forces.
The Coniko gas field base in the Deir ez-Zor countryside, northeastern Syria, was targeted with two missiles without exploding, and the coalition forces respond with artillery shelling.
8 ay önce
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 7 members of the PKK organization in the Euphrates Shield and Peace Spring regions in northern Syria.
ISIS member killed in a clash with Asayish in Manbij yesterday.
8 ay önce
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 7 militants from the Kurdistan Workers' Party in northern Syria and 3 in northern Iraq
Several large explosions have been reported in Erbil. C-RAM has also been activated
8 ay önce
Turkey may carry out more military operations inside Iraq and Syria if necessary - Turkey MoD
The Turkish army targets with heavy artillery SDF positions in the vicinity of Menag Airport in the Aleppo countryside
8 ay önce
The League of Arab States confirms that Iran bears all consequences of the attack on the Kurdistan region of Iraq