1 Ekim 2024
Several Iranian drones flying toward Israel were intercepted over the sky in Erbil, likely by U.S. air defense system
Iranian drone was intercepted in Soran, Kurdistan Region
5 ay önce
Unidentified persons target with machine guns a military point of the SDF in the town of Al-Shahil, east of Deir ez-Zor, at dawn on Saturday
The clashes stopped in Al-Bab, east of Aleppo, after the intervention of the military police, which began deploying its forces in the city
Turkish forces on Friday conducted strikes on alleged PKK bases at the Mateen mountain range of Duhok’s Amedi district
TSK airstrikes in Hakurk
5 ay önce
Irak’ın kuzeyindeki Metina bölgesinde tespit edilen 4 PKK’lı terörist hava harekâtı ile etkisiz hâle getirildi
SDF spox claims Turkey planning an operation in the area between Tal Abyad and Jarabulus, in order to get closer to Kobani
Islamic State claims a grenade attack against the Syrian Democratic Forces in Qamishli city. Fourth Islamic State attack claimed this year in Qamishli city, which has long been relatively safe and secure in the Hasakah region5 ay önce
Islamic State claims a grenade attack against the Syrian Democratic Forces in Qamishli city. Fourth Islamic State attack claimed this year in Qamishli city, which has long been relatively safe and secure in the Hasakah region
5 ay önce
Milli Savunma Bakanlığı:Irak'ın kuzeyindeki Metina ve Gara bölgelerinde 6 PKK'lı terörist etkisiz hâle getirildi
Following his meetings with President Nechirvan Barzani and US ambassador in Baghdad, PUK Leader Bafel Talabani told Rudaw that Kurdistan Region’s June 10 elections will DEFINITELY be held on time, adding that there have been no requests to postpone it
5 ay önce
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the "neutralization" of 4 members of the PKK and YPG in the "Euphrates Shield" area in northern Syria
TSK airstrikes in Akre and Metina and Hakurk and Qandil and Amadiya
5 ay önce
Suriye'nin kuzeyindeki Fırat Kalkanı bölgesinde tespit edilen 4 PKK/YPG'li terörist etkisiz hâle getirildi
Al-Raqqa: ISIS launches an attack on the positions of the government forces in the city of Maadan Atiq, coinciding with the sound of explosions being heard near the Al-Qaws area, west of Deir Ezzor.5 ay önce
Al-Raqqa: ISIS launches an attack on the positions of the government forces in the city of Maadan Atiq, coinciding with the sound of explosions being heard near the Al-Qaws area, west of Deir Ezzor.
5 ay önce
Türk savaş uçakları Irak kuzeyindeki Bole ve Berbazin bölgelerinde bulunan PKK hedeflerini vuruyor
Turkish Intelligence 'neutralizes' Sorhin Cele, a senior operative of PKK/YPG-YPJ organization, in Ayn al-Arab, Syria
6 ay önce
Turkey's election board in the city of Van denies mandate to recently elected pro-Kurdish mayor Abdullah Zeydan over a court ruling which suggests he doesn't qualify to run for an election. The board instead assigns the ruling AKP candidate
The Turkish government bombed a citizen's house in Serdeşt, Mount Shengal6 ay önce
The Turkish government bombed a citizen's house in Serdeşt, Mount Shengal
6 ay önce
Milli Savunma Bakanlığı:Irak’ın kuzeyindeki Hakurk bölgesinde tespit edilen 5 PKK'lı terörist, Hava Kuvvetlerimiz tarafından etkisiz hâle getirildi
3 civilians were killed (two children and an unidentified woman), and 5 civilians, including a child, were injured, in an initial toll after a car bomb explosion that occurred in a market in the city of Azaz, north of Aleppo, after midnight today, Sunday, March 31
Car bomb in Azaz, northern Aleppo, kills at least 6
6 ay önce
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of two YPG members in the "Euphrates Shield" operations area in northern Syria
6 ay önce
Milli Savunma Bakanlığı, Irak'ın kuzeyindeki barınma alanlarından kaçan 2 PKK'lı teröristin Habur'daki hudut karakoluna teslim olduğunu açıkladı
Turkish Defense: We destroyed 27 PKK targets in air strikes in northern Iraq
6 ay önce
A flight of military aircraft belonging to the International Coalition forces near the Al-Omar oil field, east of Deir Ezzor
SDF targets with artillery shells the city of Azaz, north of Aleppo
6 ay önce
Irak’ın kuzeyindeki barınma alanlarından kaçan 2 PKK’lı terörist, Habur’da hudut karakoluna teslim oldu
TSK topçu birlikleri El Bab batısındaki Samuke köyünde bulunan PKK mevzilerini vuruyor
Suriye’de Fırat Kalkanı Harekatı bölgesine sızma girişiminde bulunan 3 PKK'lı terörist etkisiz hale getirildi