28 Setembro 2024
4 week atrás
Brigadier Abdulsalam Hamoudi, deputy head of air defense in northern Iraq, told Kurdistan24 that the drone shot down in Kirkuk today was a Turkish one, entering the airspace from Sulaimani without receiving permission before
Very likely a Turkish type Aksungur drone
Autonomous region of Kurdistan A unidentified flying object crashed or was shot down in the skies above Kirkuk. The frame matches that of a Turkish Aksungur Drone
A drone crashed in the Tis'een region in Kirkuk, Iraq4 week atrás
A drone crashed in the Tis'een region in Kirkuk, Iraq
1 mês atrás
Turkish airstrikes in Metina and Amadiya
1 mês atrás
Turkish drone strike kills woman, son in Qamishli NE Syria
2 people were killed as result of Turkish drone strike in Qamishli city and Russian forces have inspected the area1 mês atrás
2 people were killed as result of Turkish drone strike in Qamishli city and Russian forces have inspected the area
1 mês atrás
Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) UAVs destroyed a vehicle near the Heart Hospital in the town of Qamishli in the north of Hasakah
Assad forces target Taduf city in eastern Aleppo countryside with artillery shells
1 mês atrás
Pro-Assad forces shell the vicinity of the town of Taqad, west of Aleppo, with heavy artillery
1 mês atrás
The Turkish Armed Forces hit the positions of the YPG in the village of Hoşan on the Ayn İsa line with artillery fire.
1 mês atrás
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 3 PKK elements, including two elements in the Peace Spring Operations area in northern Syria and another in northern Iraq
1 mês atrás
Turkish airstrikes in Metina and Amadiya
1 mês atrás
Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in the Zap Tepe Bahar region in northern Iraq
A car bomb exploded near Al-Amanus Hospital in the city of Afrin, north of Aleppo, Syria
An explosion of unknown origin in the city of Afrin, north of Aleppo
The SDF General Security Service busted an ISIS cell south of the town of Al-Hawl, Hasake countryside, and captured terrorist who smuggled ISIS militants and leaders to the areas controlled by Turkey1 mês atrás
The SDF General Security Service busted an ISIS cell south of the town of Al-Hawl, Hasake countryside, and captured terrorist who smuggled ISIS militants and leaders to the areas controlled by Turkey
Bashar al-Assad: We constantly stress the necessity of Türkiye's withdrawal from the territories it occupies and stopping its support for terrorism
Bashar al-Assad on repairing relations with Türkiye: We see restoring relations and combating terrorism as a common interest for both parties
Video: Turkish army targets homes and a cemetery in Al-Kishki village in Amadiyah, Dohuk, northern Iraq1 mês atrás
Video: Turkish army targets homes and a cemetery in Al-Kishki village in Amadiyah, Dohuk, northern Iraq
1 mês atrás
Turkish forces shell three villages in Tel Tamer countryside north-west of Hasakah
Autonomous Region of Kurdistan (Iraq): This morning a large force of the Hashd Al Shaabi (PMF) consisting of hundreds of vehicles and heavy weapons, crossed the border into the Autonomous region of Kurdistan in the Garmiyan region near the city of Kifri (Gulajo/Gulejo) The PMF told locals and news agencies that they have been deployed for period of 3 days as part of an Anti-ISIS operation
1 mês atrás
Turkish Armed Forces neutralized 11 PKK militants they detected in the Asos and Claw-Lock Operation regions in northern Iraq.
1 mês atrás
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the killing of two members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party in an airstrike targeting them in the Hakurk region in northern Iraq.
1 mês atrás
Turkish airstrikes in Mawat
1 mês atrás
Turkish bases shell SDF positions around Menagh military airport north of Aleppo with heavy artillery
Idlib: Abu AbdelRahman al-Mecqui was killed by a US drone strike. He was in the ranks of Jund al-Aqsa then Huras Eddin, the Syrian branch of AQ fought by HTS which had imprisoned him. He had recently spoken out against the description of Haniyeh Hamas as a "martyr"
1 mês atrás
Turkish Ministry of Defense: The Joint Land Patrol, which was carried out between Turkey and Russia in the Peace Spring Operation Zone and was stopped on October 5, 2023 for security reasons, has been resumed today.
A Turkish drone strike killed at least two and injured one in Sulaymaniyah. Kurdistan Counter-terrorism Unit said in a statement that the targeted individuals were members of the PKK. The statement also put the death toll at 31 mês atrás
A Turkish drone strike killed at least two and injured one in Sulaymaniyah. Kurdistan Counter-terrorism Unit said in a statement that the targeted individuals were members of the PKK. The statement also put the death toll at 3
1 mês atrás
O Ministério da Defesa Nacional turco anunciou que 16 militantes do PKK identificados nas regiões de Hakurk, Asos, Gara e Metina, no norte do Iraque, foram neutralizados.