Manbij: Violent clashes between the SNA and the SDF militias on the Tishreen Dam front
1 week ago Li bajarê Minbicê wesayîteke bombebarkirî teqiya
1 week ago Reportedly Turkish army convoy entered the town of Manbij
1 week ago Hat ragihandin ku li gundên ser rêya Ebû Qelqel şer û pevçûn derket
Syrian Democratic Forces control Tishreen Dam, Qarqozak Bridge and surrounding areas
Fermandarê QSD`ê Ebdî diyar kir ku hêzên QSD`ê amade ne ku tev li artêşa nû ya Sûriyê bibin, dema ku formula guncaw were gotûbêjkirin. Wî her wiha amadebûna 'bi prensîb' ji bo veguheztina berpirsiyariyên ewlekariya sînor ji rayedarên nû yên Şamê re diyar kir.
1 week ago Rêveberê Ragihandina QSD'ê Ferhad Şamî, li ser Bendava Tişrînê radigihîne: Em li vir in, wezereta şer a Tirkiyê derewan dike
1 week ago Şervanên QSD'ê li rojavayê Bendava Tişrînê bi Hêzên Sûriyeya Demokratîk (HSD) re şer dikin
The Kurdish-led administration in northeast Syria (Northern Syria ) on Thursday called for protecting Syria’s diversity and plurality, a day after violent protests across several provinces over an alleged attack on an Alawite shrine in Aleppo province
Turkish Defense Ministry: Manbij and Tishrin Dam under the control of the Syrian National Army and allegations of Kurdish advances are untrue
Syrian Interior Minister: Our forces will pursue those who refuse to hand over weapons throughout Syrian territory
Turkey has decided to allow parliament's pro-Kurdish party to hold talks with PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan on his island prison: Daily Sabah
Violent clashes erupt between the SNA and the SDF forces on the Tishreen Dam front in the Manbij countryside, east of Aleppo
The Turkish army bombards Tishreen Dam in the Aleppo countryside and the surrounding villages with artillery and missiles
Statement on the call to evacuate Tell Abiad-Ras Al Ain was removed
Fermandariya Hêzên Sûriyeya Demokratîk (QSD) bang li hêzên QSD'ê û malbatên wan kir ku heta dawiya salê ji Girê Spî û Serêkaniyê derkevin.
Over the past two weeks, the SDF has carried out extensive arrest campaigns throughout Raqqa and its countryside, detaining around 100 people. The arrests primarily targeted activists, individuals connected to the protests, and even the owner of an internet café
Serokomarê Tirkiyê Recep Tayyîp Erdogan dibêje, Enqere dê wan kesên ku dixwazin biratiya me ya herheyî ya bi kurdan re têk bibin, ji holê rake.
2 week ago QSD'ê ragihand ku li rojhilat û başûr heta Minbicê bi SNA'ya ku Tirkiye piştgirî dide şer û pevçûnên dijwar rû didin û balafirên bê mirov ên Tirk li herêma Sirînê bombebaran dikin.
Injuries due to car explosion in Manbij
2 week ago Daxuyaniya QSD'ê: "Hêzên me li dijî êrîşên artêşa Tirk ên li ser herêmên rojhilatê Minbicê rû bi rû ne. Li derdora gundê "Qebr Îmo" li rojhilatê bajarê Minbicê şer û pevçûnên dijwar niha diqewimin. Li qada Pira Qozakê hêzên me wesayiteke dijmin teqandin. Li eksena Bendava Tişrînê, hêzên Meclîsa Leşkerî ya Minbicê êrîşek li ser gundên Mahşiyat El-Tewahîn, Xirbet Tûenî yên navçeya Ebû "Qelqel" şikandin.
SNA Forces hit SDF targets in the village of Um El Keyf on the Tel Tamr line with artillery fire
Turkish drones bombard SDF positions in Tal Tamr area, north of Hasakah, northeastern Syria, with a number of airstrikes
2 week ago SNA'yê li rojavayê Firatê ji nava QSD'ê paqij kir û dîsa gihişt Bendava Tişrînê. Pevçûnên li tunelên li derdora Bendava Tişrînê didomin
2 week ago Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that 4 PKK/YPG militants were neutralized in the Gara region in northern Iraq and the Euphrates Shield region in northern Syria.
Hêzên QSD'ê bi topan hedefên QSD'ê yên li bajarokê Ebû Raseyn dan ber topan
Hêzên Çekdar ên Tirk bi topan hedefên QSD'ê yên li gundên Tel Leben û Kuzilyah ên li ser xeta Tel Temrê dan ber topan.
SDF Press: Our SDF forces repelled an attempted infiltration and attack by Turkish-backed militants on the village of al-Alia, west of Tel-Tamir town
An SDF source told RojavaIC: [Around the Tisreen Dam] "the situation of the fight has changed a bit. The MMC have begun attacking the SNA. We are no longer operating from a defensive position. We have also re-taken several positions"
2 week ago Clashes are taking place between SNA and SDF militants on the Tishrin Dam line east of Manbij
Kurds are an ethnic group in the Middle East, inhabiting eastern and southeastern Turkey, western Iran, northern Iraq, northern Syria. Kurds map is aggregator of news from this countries concerning Kurdish population
Kurds forces Other non-government groups Other sides on the map
Syrian army or Assad, NDF, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Shiite groups from Iraq US-led Anti-ISIS coalition, NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE Turkey, Turks Islamic State Areas
Kurdish-inhabited areas in the Middle East Icons
Road accidents, cars Artillery, MLRS Airplanes, jets Helicopters Camps, tents Captured Dead Stabbing attacks Fires Injures/medicine Firebombs Police Gun shooting Speech, statement Stop, road block Tanks, APCs, armored vehicles Thugs, people in masks Nuke, radioctive materials Ship, Warship Gas, chemical weapons Drones, robots Rally, Protests, Demos, crowds Hostages and Refugees No Connection, Jamming, Radar Rifle Gun, armed men Explosion, blasts Shelling Trucks Hackers, computers Picture(photo) Food Money Press Phone Fort Video Destruction Landmines, IEDs Crane, construction Railway House Anti-air, SAM No Water Rocket Submarine Twitter Facebook Electricity, blackout Biohazard Nature, disasters Stocks Transport or civil plane Rescue operation Natural resource Mobile, applications Drugs Earthquake Floods Tsunami Animals, wildlife Sports Map Volcano Snow Pollution Manpads Gendeliyê Satellite Alcohol Arrested Sun Bus Animals: Cat Animals: Dog Stocks Down Animals: Snake ATGM Animals: Panda(rare animals) Animals: Horse Animals: Cow Animals: Lion Animals: Shark Animals: Wolf Supply Flares Animals: Bear Machine Gun Stun grenade Airplanes: light plane Motobike Balloon Bulldozer Cruise Missile FPV drone Map Change Event Missile Airborne Quadcopter(Mavic) Large explosive drone(Shahed) Tractor Tunnel Air Alert Aerostat, High-Altitude balloon ApplyAdditional symbols
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