29 Septembre 2024
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The entry of a Turkish military convoy comprising dozens of military vehicles and armored vehicles from the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey towards the depth of Idlib governorate, amidst a security alert by Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham in the region
U.S. Central Command:A rocket attack targeted Mission Support Site Green Village in Northeast Syria today1 année il y a
U.S. Central Command:A rocket attack targeted Mission Support Site Green Village in Northeast Syria today
Two pick-ups of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards militia set off from the militia's headquarters in the Al-Tammou neighborhood in Al-Mayadhin and headed towards Abdel Moneim Riyad School, Corniche Street. The cars were covered from the back with a shade and loaded with a mortar, followed by an attack with artillery shells that targeted the base of the Al-Omar oil field.
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Young man killed in circumstances by unidentified gunmen in Qamishli city, northeast Syria
The International Coalition announces that one of its bases has been hit by missile strikes, east of Deir Ezzor, Syria
A car bomb was seized in the city of Afrin on Villas Street
Video of Russian warplanes flying at low altitude in the sky of Al-Hasakah Governorate, northeastern Syria1 année il y a
Video of Russian warplanes flying at low altitude in the sky of Al-Hasakah Governorate, northeastern Syria
U.S. Central Command:General Kurilla traveled to northeast Syria where he visited sites critical to the ongoing effort to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS
A member of the Military Police was wounded by unknown gunmen on the road between Jarabulus and Zoghra camp.
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Al-Raqqa: The Turkish army targets sites of the Syrian Democratic Forces in the vicinity of the town of Ain Issa in the northern countryside
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.@StateDeptSpox confirms that Amb. Jeff Flake was summoned by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs after Gen. Milley's trip to NE Syria. "It's our understanding that General Milley met only with US troops while in Syria," Price said
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Kobanî: Joint Turkish-Russian military patrol in the countryside of Kobanî
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Turkish Foreign Ministry: summoning the American ambassador due to the visit of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to northeastern Syria
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TSK hit the positions of the YPG in the Ayn Isa line with artillery fire.
The head of the Joint Chief of Staff General Mark Milley has arrived into the areas under the control of Syrian Democratic Forces in Syria, and is conducting meetings there
Army General Mark Milley told reporters traveling with him that he believed US troops and their Kurdish-led Syrian partners were making progress at ensuring a lasting defeat of the Islamic State group
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UN sends a humanitarian aid convoy of 16 trucks to areas held by the HTS in northwest Syria for people impacted by the February 6 earthquake
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2 SDF fighters killed when they stepped on a mine on the Ayn Isa line in the north of Raqqa
5 civilians sustained burns and breathing issues after another fire broke out after midnight in the Bab al-Salama camp in the Azaz countryside, north of Aleppo. 6 tents were completely burned down and 4 others were partially damaged.
A Turkish drone targeted the vehicle of a security officer from the YBS in central Sinjar, killing the officer and an accompanying guard.1 année il y a
A Turkish drone targeted the vehicle of a security officer from the YBS in central Sinjar, killing the officer and an accompanying guard.
The US is "concerned" that a threatened Turkish military operation in northern Syria would detract Kurdish forces from the fight against ISIS - Senior US official told Rudaw's @JBechocha during an online press briefing on Tuesday
Injuries due to armed family fighting in the city of Al-Bab in the eastern countryside of Aleppo
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Minister of National Defense Akar stated that after the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş, approximately 42 thousand Syrians returned to their country voluntarily.
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Turkish warplanes bombarded a vehicle near Khanasor, northern Sinjar
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The Turkish army bombed military sites of the SDF in Ain Issa, in the countryside of Raqqa
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The Turkish Foreign Ministry announced that talks with Finland and Sweden on joining NATO will resume on March 9 in Brussels
A car blasts in the city of Hasakah
Unidentified gunmen target a checkpoint of the SDF forces in the town of "Albu Hardoub" east of Deir Ezzor, resulting in one death and a number of injuries in the ranks of the SDF
The International Coalition sends a military convoy to its bases in Al-Hasakah
Destruction of 3 buildings in Jenderes, Syria, as a result of the recent earthquake