19 九 2024
Bodies of 1126 Syrians who died in Antakya were handed over to Syrian authorities at the border gate. Number is expected to increase. Acc to official figures, death toll in Syria is 3500, but this number does not include unregistered burials. Actual figure is much larger
1 年 前
Turkish Foreign Minister: It is not true that there was an influx of refugees from Syria to southern Turkey after the earthquake
Four days after the earthquake, the first aid convoy enters northern Syria
1 年 前
Director of the Syrian Civil Defense: We urgently need aid to provide relief to the victims of the earthquake in northwestern Syria
Ain Issa: Turkish warplanes are flying over Ain Issa countryside
Dozens of cars loaded with drilling equipment and relief materials are heading from the eastern countryside of Aleppo to Jenderes. Jarabulus, Syria
Resumption of work on the Iraqi crude oil pipeline to the Turkish port of Ceyhan
Afrin Hospital announces its inability to accommodate more corpses after the arrival of more than 400 corpses
International Rescue Committee for Arabic: Bab al-Hawa crossing between Turkey and Syria was damaged by the earthquake
The road between Gaziantep and Adana appears to have completely collapsed TurkeyQuake1 年 前
The road between Gaziantep and Adana appears to have completely collapsed TurkeyQuake
First footage is emerging after a M7.8 earthquake in central Turkey1 年 前
First footage is emerging after a M7.8 earthquake in central Turkey
Ahrar al-Sham – eastern sector, Ahrar al-Tawhid/Division 50 and Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement announced a merger under the name of Al-Shahba Gathering. Some subfactions reacted by leaving, indirectly referring to it worsening the rift with SNA 3d Corps and HTS alignment
Since yesterday night Turkey-backed groups are shelling with heavy artillery Tal Rifaat town of Shahba region
1 年 前
Reuters: "Eight rockets fired at Turkish base in Iraq - Kurdish security group"
1 年 前
Al-Raqqa: Turkish artillery bombardment targets sites of the Syrian Democratic Forces in the villages of Saida and Restarat al-Nakhil in the northern countryside
Aleppo: A member of the National Army was killed during clashes with Assad's forces on the Tadef front in the eastern countryside
Iranian journalist: "Sources close to Iran's Supreme NSC say the micro aerial vehicles & explosives used in a recent attack on a military facility in Isfahan were transferred into Iran by "dissident Kurdish groups" through Iraqi Kurdistan, "ordered by a foreign intel. agency"
Turkish Minister of Defense: Our forces have responded as necessary to the sources of missile fire at the Bashiqa base in northern Iraq1 年 前
Turkish Minister of Defense: Our forces have responded as necessary to the sources of missile fire at the Bashiqa base in northern Iraq
Iranian media: explosive drones were launched through difficult passages in the northwest of the country
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 3 members of the People's Protection Units YPG, which it said were preparing to carry out an operation in the Peace Spring area in northern Syria.1 年 前
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 3 members of the People's Protection Units YPG, which it said were preparing to carry out an operation in the Peace Spring area in northern Syria.
Video shows the earthquake in Khoy, moments before that, a bright light glows in the sky, yet, can't confirm the authenticity. Iran, West Azerbaijan Province
Azar Shahr, East Azerbaijan Province of Iran Fire in "motor oil" factory
Syria Saddam al-Mousa, a commander of Eastern Sector of Ahrar al-Sham, a pro-HTS group currently at odds with the main Ahrar leadership, was killed in US drone strike near al-Bab city in SNA-held areas
1 年 前
Turkish Armed Forces and Russian Army conducted joint patrols in west Kobane
The Ministry of Information of the Assad government: 10 people have died so far as a result of the collapse of a residential building in Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood in Aleppo, and the reason is the water leakage into the foundations of the building1 年 前
The Ministry of Information of the Assad government: 10 people have died so far as a result of the collapse of a residential building in Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood in Aleppo, "and the reason is the water leakage into the foundations of the building
The death of the young man "Omar Hamidi" as a result of armed fighting in the city of Azaz, north of Aleppo: Attempts to intervene by the National Army as a third party to end the fighting amid sporadic clashes
阿勒颇记者:在阿扎兹市居民区内,两个武装团体使用重型和中型武器发生冲突,造成 4 名枪手死亡,另有 10 人受伤
1 年 前
Turkish Armed Forces hit the positions of YPG in the Meranaz, Harbul and Shehba dam areas on the Tel Rifat line with mortar and artillery fire.
YPG, located in the Tel Rifat region, hit the area around the town of Mare with artillery fire.